I am in love with this hoodie. It's really soft, fits really well. . . and. . . . it's just awesome. I spent so much money on it O.o I don't even want to think about it. I think I used about 8 or 9 skeins of black and 4 skeins of red Lion brand Cashmere blend. $8 per skein ouchhh.
I really love the pockets, the fitting, the softness, AND THE HOOD!! I loved how the pattern had it decrease before BO so that it had a nice curve instead of those silly pointed hoods (which are also fine). I might edit the Mariah pattern to do the same thing when I get up to that point, I'm about 7" into the right front after which I begin joining the sleeves, fronts, and back together until I get to the hood. Ohhhh I can almost taste the other hoodie goodness. mmmmmmm
I have to say that I also really like zipper closures, probably just because I'm lazy and like to zip things. Or maybe because they're shiney. . . or maybe it's just the wonderful noise the make when you open and close them ten times in a row.
Anyway, in other news I got this WICKED AWESOME crochet book about hats called "Hip hats & cool caps" by Anya Ibomu. I really would suggest this to anyone that likes nifty funky hats. The dread hats and tams are pretty awesome. I can't wait to start crocheting some in RASTA colors to go along with my hair that I'll be dying in . . 2 weeks! yessssssssss!! :)
I also got my bellydancing sword, which is a gorgeous 3 lb schimitar. mmmmmmmmmm