Monday, August 28, 2006
About Me
- Name: Knit with weapons
- Location: United States
I guess I'm a sort of odd person, I design knitting. . . I train a lot at my martial arts studio. I draw and write >_> though, sadly, a lot less than I use to. Erhm, I'm also into crazy contortionist stuff! I wish I could be a contortionist :( but I'm only mildly flexible. I guess i'm trying not to write anything that could go out of date, because I doubt I'll update this >_> eh, I started knitting around christmas time of 2005 and after christmas gifts, I made a few sweaters in a couple of monthes, and well. As guys often say "one thing led to another!"
Kung fu and Knitting both start with K
lol, ummm perdita is not in spanish... perdido is lost, perdedor is loser... :P and perdita... is just cute! :P
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